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Hiring Event Success!

Marson International's hiring event collaboration between Marson International, the LIFT Network, and WorkOne was a resounding success!

The hiring event was held at Marson International in Elkhart and featured 6 paid apprenticeship positions for Robotics Techs and Industrial Maintenance Techs. Advance sign-ups brought 15 enthusiastic, earnest candidates who were given a brief tour of the facility in groups at their assigned times, followed by one-on-one interviews.

By the end of the event, the Marson hiring team stated they believe that they have found their full slate of candidates for the apprenticeships….and more!

A few highlights:

· The mayor of Elkhart, and reporters and photographers from The Elkhart Truth, WVPE, and the LIFT Network attended and received a tour of the facility.

· Marson is also looking to fill some other positions and they think they may have found people to fill a couple of those positions, too.

· One of those is a TIG welder position. One of the candidates was there in that capacity, and before he even got the tour, they gave him a weld test, he passed, and they offered him a job on the spot!

Cathy Simon, Darcey Mitschelen, and Susan Styers created a truly exciting partnership, and Kellie Porman and I thank everyone for their support!

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