Success Story: Utilizing WorkOne Resources and Finding a New Job
With teamwork and assistance from the St. Joseph County WorkOne Center, a recently unemployed customer has now rejoined the workforce and is ready to make a difference.
Several years ago, Joyce Ndegwa came to the St. Joseph County WorkOne Center seeking assistance with her job search. During this time she met Judy S., Job Placement Specialist, who helped her find her first job in the United States. With a new job came the prospect of better opportunities and a bright future.
Unfortunately, Joyce recently received notice that she would be laid off. Remembering how the staff at the WorkOne Center had helped her the first time, she decided to see if they could help her again. The team went into action: Dean D. helped her revise her resume, and he conducted mock interviews with her during the JobLinks workshop; Larry K. assisted her by speaking on her behalf to employers and by helping her develop her networking skills thru the H.O.P.E. Professional Networking Group; and LaTisha M. offered her coaching, mentoring, and support.
The team at WorkOne knew that Joyce was very passionate about working with people and really wanted to get into Human Resources. Joyce credits WorkOne for giving her the job lead that became an interview and, ultimately, a job offer. She is now gainfully employed as a Human Resources professional with the University of Notre Dame. Teamwork is what helped Mrs. Ndegwa secure her dream job.
