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Housing and Shelter Resources

The Salvation Army, Elkhart Corps
rental and utility emergency assistance

300 North Main Street
Elkhart, IN 46516
(574) 970-0088

Faith Mission of Elkhart  
Faith Mission of Elkhart, Inc. is a Christian social service agency, which provides food, shelter, clothing and other services for homeless individuals. 
Address: 801 Benham Ave, Elkhart IN  
Phone: (574) 293-3406 

Fulton County HOPE referral form Click Here

Fulton County Resource Guide: Click Here 

Marshall County housing opportunities and supports: Click Here 

Marshall County Advocacy:  Kara Kimes - Phone 574-377-2805

Kosciusko County: Rent, utility assistance through CCC, Catholic Charities and BrightPoint


Kristin Steffen – Compass: Gas Cards, Rent, Utilities in Wawasee School Corporation

Phone: 574-529-1663



Hispanic Coalition resource guide:


The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) has a new program that can provide up to 12 months in emergency rental assistance to help cover past due and ongoing monthly rent and utility payments for qualifying Indiana renters. Renters have to apply but the payments are made directly to landlords and utilities. The IHCDA program covers all of the state except for Elkhart, Hamilton, Lake, Marion, and St. Joseph counties, and the City of Ft. Wayne. These counties/communities have their own programs. The word on the street is that IHCDA will also have a similar program for homeowners starting this summer.


The website (top of the home page) has the link for renters to apply as well as information sheets for renters, landlords, utility providers, and internet providers.

Elkhart County Rental Assistance


Hamilton County Rent and Utility Assistance


Lake County Rental Assistance


Indianapolis/Marion County Rental Assistance


St. Joseph County Rental Assistance

Rent and utility support: South Bend Gov.  (includes the Emergency Rental Assistance Program)


Fort Wayne Rental Assistance

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